I have heard the concerns of my friends, neighbors, fellow parents, and believe that we can work together to address them via what I call a holistic or Comprehensive Education Model focused on: SAFETY, QUALITY EDUCATION, and TRANSPARENCY.
Ensure Safe Places and Spaces for students and teachers.
Strengthen Mental Health support and promotion of existing programs for students and teachers.
Continue to address substance abuse and addiction through identification, countering stigma, and support, as well as education on substance abuse.
Increase and Strengthen Community partnerships with county service providers and other organizations as needed.
Academic rigor - Ensure that every child is getting the best education and is challenged in ways that encourage learning, confidence, and creativity.
A focus on outcomes and any disparities that may still exist that keep us from achieving the best outcomes for all schools.
Explore public/private professional training partnerships that can encourage higher High School attendance and improved outcomes.
Clarity of purpose in everything we do - start with the end goal in mind.
Transparency and clarity of policies (explain them, digest them in understandable terms).
Evaluate current communication tools and explore additional methods for effective and accessible community input and feedback.
Help increase School Board presence in the community.